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Teaching Tools

Resources for Instructors and Meeting Leaders

Welcome Instructors and Meeting Leaders! Are you teaching an online, blended, or flipped classroom? Are you leading an online group meeting? The information on this page will assist you in moving forward with the LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) application. Please explore the following links and PDFs for Instructors and Meeting Leaders.

If you have any questions, please contact our team at 865-974-9900 or submit a request online.

Getting Started Tips for Instructors and Meeting Leaders:

General Information:

  • A LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) account is necessary to lead or schedule a meeting in our license environment.
  • To create your account, please visit our UT Zoom site at Select Create or Edit Account and enter your NetID and password.
    • Instructors and students will receive a Licensed (Pro) level account.
    • Staff will receive a Basic level account. To request an upgrade to a Licensed (Pro) level account, please submit a request online.
  • Are you interested in integrating your sessions within your Online@UT (Canvas) course? Visit the Canvas Zoom integration page for more information. It’s also possible to copy-paste session links into the Canvas course and/or share them with students via an Announcement.

Quick Guides

The Quick Start Guides listed below describe the LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) online meeting environment from the meeting leader’s point of view.

LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) Leader Guide (PDF)

LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) Schedule a Meeting with the Desktop Application (PDF)

Tools and Features

The guides below will help instructors and meeting leaders with managing a meeting, including navigating the meeting environment, engaging meeting tools, and creating and deploying Breakout Rooms.

LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) Guide to Managing a Meeting (PDF)

LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) Guide to Share Screen and Annotation Tools (PDF)

LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) Guide to New Whiteboards (PDF)

LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) Guide to Breakout Rooms (PDF)

LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) Guide to Alternative Host and Schedule Privilege (PDF)

Quick Guide to Managing Recordings

LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) online classroom recordings are in MP4 format and the MP4 will save to the local device. To share the MP4 with students, select a file storage and streaming option that best fits your needs.

It is not recommended that you upload large files directly to your Online@UT (Canvas) course site. There are several reasons for this, the most important of which is this: even once you successfully upload your large file into the course site, there’s no guarantee that your students will be able to download and view it via their Internet connections

There are several options for storing and streaming MP4s, and some are listed below with links to more information about each option.

  • LiveOnline@UT (Zoom) Cloud Recording – All Licensed (Pro) level account holders may choose to record to the Zoom Cloud from within the Zoom online classroom or meeting. After the session ends, the recording will render to the cloud. Zoom will notify the instructor (leader) of the session via email when the recording is available for playback and the email includes a shareable link for viewers. For more information about this option, please visit our Zoom Cloud Recording page. Please keep in mind that Zoom Cloud is not a permanent storage location. Zoom Cloud recordings will be deleted 120 days after the original recording date. Zoom will notify meeting hosts via email that a recording will be permanently deleted 7 days prior to the final date. For long-term storage options, please consider Panopto, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Panopto – The Panopto service includes Canvas and Zoom integration, such as cloud recording storage and sharing capabilities, as well as editing options. Explore Panopto by visiting the Panopto page.
  • Studio on Canvas – Studio is available to students and faculty via Online@UT (Canvas). With Studio, users may upload media files and then share the files through a Canvas course. Instructors may also incorporate real time comments from students, add captioning, and review analytics on media files. For more information on Studio, please visit our information page.
  • YouTube – With this option, instructors may upload the MP4 to YouTube and also incorporate captioning of the audio with the MP4. After the MP4 is uploaded, instructors may paste a link to the MP4 into the Canvas site.
  • Additional Cloud Options – These options include Microsoft Office OneDrive for Business. In this scenario, the meeting leader may upload the MP4 recording to their Office OneDrive account, and share the recording from that cloud location.
  • Send the MP4 – UT offers faculty, staff, and students a secure, large-file courier option called Vault. With Vault, meeting leaders may upload a MP4 and then send a notification email to recipients that a file is available for download. Recipients click a link and log in to Vault to download the MP4.

If you have any questions about storing and streaming MP4s, please feel free to contact us and we are happy to help.

Zoom Workplace Marketplace and App Integrations

In addition to their standard web conferencing services, Zoom offers an optional Zoom App Marketplace. These Zoom add-ons, or apps, are tools built by third-party developers claiming to provide convenient features and enhancements. Due to the third-party nature of these apps, there are multiple concerns about security, data privacy, usability, and support impact. Applications in our teaching and learning toolkit must meet university privacy and usability standards. With these concerns and standards in mind, the Office of Innovative Technologies (OIT) will only consider app activation/integrations with our Zoom account for applications currently supported within OIT.

Active Zoom Workplace app integrations available in our UT Zoom enterprise license include the following:

  • Canvas
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Panopto
  • Zoom Timer

For more information on how to access these active integrations, please contact the OIT HelpDesk at 865-974-9900 or submit a request online.