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Instructional Support

GarageBand (Apple)

Apple’s GarageBand is an audio editing program that allows you to record your voice, add sound effects and music, and import images or video to accompany your recordings. It’s fairly comprehensive, and among the easiest-to-use software on the market. You can use GarageBand to blend all of your podcasting elements and compress them into a web-ready format.

GarageBand may be used to:

  • record a podcast as a presentation for class or as a student assignment;
  • create a soundtrack for a student movie project;
  • edit a recording of a famous speech to analyze characteristics of expressions used;
  • create an audio file, with sound effects that create a jungle effect, for a drama class;
  • create a short drum loop, over which a student can improvise a jazz melody, during a music class;
  • narrate audio for an enhanced podcast recording.

Getting Started

  • Contact the Studio, a media production lab for UT students, staff and faculty located in the Hodges Library. The Studio provides computers, software, and staff to assist users in the creation of multimedia-enhanced educational projects and offers instruction and consultations by request.


NOTE: Audacity is a free alternative to GarageBand for Windows and Mac users.