AI in Higher Ed: Transforming the Teaching and Learning Experience

Thank you to all of the presenters and everyone who joined us via Zoom for the AI in Higher Ed: Transforming the Teaching and Learning Experience Symposium on Friday, September 22, 2023.
Panelist Papers
Southworth, Jane, Kati Migliaccio, Joe Glover, David Reed, Christopher McCarty, Joel Brendemuhl, and Aaron Thomas. “Developing a model for AI Across the curriculum: Transforming the higher education landscape via innovation in AI literacy.” Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 4 (2023): 100127.
All presentation Abstracts are available at
Presentations Recording from the Presenter
Time Eastern (ET) | Presentation/Session Title | Moderators/Session Chairs |
9:00 a.m. ET | Symposium Welcome, Introduction, & Logistics
Watch the recorded session |
Victor Hazlewood Associate CIO & Director HPSC Office of Innovative Technologies |
9:05 a.m. ET | Panel Discussion: Future of Education in the World of AI Watch the recorded session Dr. Lynne Parker Associate Vice Chancellor & Director AI Tennessee Initiative UTK Dr. Jane Southworth Department Chair and Professor Geography co-Chair AI Across the Cirriculum University of Florida Dr. Yiran Chen John Cocke Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Duke University Douglas J. Vargo Vice President Emerging Technologies Practice Lead CGI Inc. |
Ozlem Kilic
Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Dean of College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies Dan Harder Chief Academic Technology Officer & Deputy CIO Office of Innovative Technologies |
10:00 am ET | AI and Equity
Watch the recorded session Computer Vision, Sharks, and Fossils: Integrating AI in Teacher Education Pavlo “Pasha” Antonenko, PhD Professor of Educational Technology Director, NeurAL Lab School of Teaching and Learning University of Florida Building Equitable AI with Good Systems: Ethical AI at UT Austin Dr. Kenneth Fleischmann Professor School of Information University of Texas, Austin Leveraging Human-Centered Approaches to Design Inclusive AI Applications Dr. Hope Chidziwisano Assistant Professor School of Information Sciences CCI |
Dania Bilal, Professor
School of Information Science CCI |
11:00 am ET | How to Use AI to Increase Student Engagement in the Classroom Watch the recorded session Multimodal Generative AI: Transforming Content Creation in Higher Education M’Hammed Abdous Assistant Vice President Teaching and Learning Old Dominion University Teaching Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Applications Dr. Konstantinos Vogiatzis Associate Professor Chemistry UTK AI and Workforce Development: A Case Study of an AI Training Program for Health Education and Behavior Majors at the University of Florida Delores C.S. James, PhD, RDN, LDN, FAND, FASHA Associate Professor Director of AI Initiatives Department of Health Education and Behavior College of Health and Human Performance University of Florida |
Mehmet Aydeniz Theory & Practice in Teacher Education CEHHS Zoi Traga Philippakos Theory & Practice in Teacher Education CEHHS |
12 noon – 12:20 pm | Break | |
12:20 pm | Technological Innovation in Pedagogy and Activities
Watch the recorded session From Numbers to Narratives: Teaching Creativity in the Data Science Classroom Dr. Jiaqi (Jackey) Gong Associate Professor Director, Sensor-Accelerated Intelligent Learning Laboratory Department of Computer Science The University of Alabama Reimagining Online Assignments with and Because of GenAI Jason Johnston, PhD Executive Director of Online Learning & Course Production Online Learning and Academic Programs UTK John Nash, PhD Associate Professor, Educational Leadership Studies Director, Laboratory on Design Thinking University of Kentucky |
Xiaopeng Zhao
Program Director College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies Charles Liu Business Analytics & Statistics Haslam College of Business |
1:00 p.m. ET | AI Tools in Education
Watch the recorded sesion Using Conversational AI in a VR Classroom to Explore the Late Medieval Anglo-Norman World Dr. Anne-Helene Miller and Doug Canfield Associate Professor Riggsby Director, Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Chair, French and Francophone Studies UTK AI in Education: Socratic Search of a Knowledge Landscape Simon Carrignon, Damian Ruck, Alex Bentley Dr. Alex Bentley Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs CECS UTK AI Tools for Education from OIT Dan Harder Chief Academic Technology Officer OIT UTK |
Josh Fagan Lecturer College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies |
2:00 p.m. ET | Faculty Training Models for AI in Education
Watch the recorded session The Online, Self-Paced Teaching with AI Resource Asim Ali, Lindsay Doukopoulos, Shawndra Bowers and DeElla Wiley Dr. Asim Ali Executive Director Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning Auburn University CAS AI Educational Campaign – RFP: Exploring the Use and Integration of Generative AI Tools in Classroom Activities Claire Mayo, Liem Tran, Michael Blum, Beauvais Lyons, Kate Jones, and Patrick Grzanka Presenting: Dr. Claire Mayo College Curriculum Coordinator and Associate Administrator of Academic Programs College of Arts and Sciences UTK How to Engage, Educate and Motivate University Faculty to use GENAI Tools in Teaching and Research? Dr. Mehmet Aydeniz Professor of STEM Education Theory & Practice in Teacher Education CEHHS |
Mehmet Aydeniz Theory & Practice in Teacher Education CEHHS Chris Kilgore Associate Director for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Teaching & Learning Innovation Division of Faculty Affairs |
3:00 p.m. ET | Panel Discussion: Student Perspectives of AI in Education
Watch the recorded session Student Panelists: Shawn-Patrick Barhorst, Electrical Engineering Maggie Diedrich, English Grace Duncan, English FNU (Harsh) Harshvardhan, Business Analytics & Statistics Jennifer Hulen Maranville, Computer Science Tyler Morris, Mechanical, Aerospace, & Biomedical Engineering |
Kevin M. Kit Associate Professor & Director Cook Grand Challenge Honors Program TCE Kirsten Benson Director Judith Anderson Herbert Writing Center |
4:00 p.m. ET | Wrap Up: Symposium Committee and Hosts and Session co-Chairs only For Hosts and Session Chairs only |
For Hosts and Session Chairs only |
About This Event
The Provost’s Office in partnership with the Office of Innovative Technologies, High Performance & Scientific Computing, and the College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies will be hosting this exciting event.
What is AI in Higher Education?
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is inevitably impacting higher education, with ChatGPT, an AI-based language processing tool being one such powerful example. With news and articles coming from all perspectives, it sparked global discussions in higher education about its presence in the classroom, and what challenges and opportunities it might present. The AI in Higher Ed: Transforming the Teaching and Learning Experience Symposium strives to engage higher education faculty and students in thoughtful conversations and state-of-the-art work happening on this topic.
We are excited to invite you to the AI in Higher Ed: Transforming the Teaching and Learning Experience Symposium which is dedicated to exploring the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of higher education. Our symposium brings together educators, students, researchers, administrators, and industry experts to delve into the cutting-edge applications, challenges, and opportunities that AI offers in shaping the future of learning. Topics of interest include, but is not limited to, AI-focused educational programs, collaborations with industry and other universities, AI community engagement, AI ethics and policy, AI tools for the classroom, infrastructure and computing resources, and public policy and advocacy.
With AI revolutionizing various industries, it is crucial for higher education institutions to adapt and harness its potential to enhance teaching, learning, and student success. This symposium serves as a platform to exchange ideas, share best practices, and foster collaborations in integrating AI technologies into higher education environments.
Through engaging keynote speeches, interactive panel discussions, and thought-provoking sessions, you will gain invaluable insights into the latest AI innovations, emerging trends, and AI discussions from esteemed educators, practitioners, and researchers. Discover how AI can revolutionize personalized learning, adaptive assessments, intelligent tutoring, and much more.
Who Should Attend?
Whether you are an educator seeking to enhance your pedagogical practices, an administrator exploring AI-driven institutional solutions, or a researcher pushing the boundaries of AI in education, our symposium offers a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about the symposium agenda and registration details. Join us on this incredible journey as we unravel the limitless possibilities of AI in higher education and strive to shape a future where technology and education intertwine seamlessly.
We look forward to welcoming you to the AI in Higher Ed: Transforming the Teaching and Learning Experience Symposium and together, envisioning a future where AI transforms education for the better.
Do I Need to Register?
No registration is required. To facilitate recording and keeping the recordings short we will have multiple Zoom sessions. All Zoom session links are provided in the Agenda below. All Zoom sessions are webinars with up to 1000 participants with only hosts and panelists allowed to show their video and share screens.
Symposium PDF: Feedback from Participants
The Google document shared with all the participants in the Symposim for any feedback, questions and answers is converted into the PDF format and can be found here.
Symposium Support
If you need any support for the AI in Higher Education Symposium please email or email directly to Victor Hazlewood at
All times Eastern Time Zone
Note: All sessions will be recorded. All sessions will start 15 minutes early for presenters to test.
Webinar session limit is 1000 participants.
CECS – College of Emerging and Collaborative Studies
CCI- College of Communication and Information
CEHHS – College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
OIT – Office of Innovative Technology
TCE – Tickle College of Engineering
UTK – The University of Tennessee, Knoxville