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Instructional Support

Creating Lecture Recordings with Camtasia


Camtasia is a screen recording and editing software. With Camtasia, you can create an instructional video that includes a recording of your computer screen.

A Camtasia video may be exported to a video file and uploaded to YouTube or other storage site.  After a file is uploaded, you can post a link to the video on an Online@UT (Canvas) course site. Camtasia is available for PC and Mac and does have a cost associated with it.

Features of Recording with Camtasia

TechSmith’s Camtasia features include the ability to:

  • record screen and keyboard activity
  • integrate audio and video
  • deliver video to mobile devices
  • allow for editing
  • provide closed captions

When to Use Camtasia

Use Camtasia when you want to record your screen, such as showing how to navigate a website or perform actions on the computer.

Ease of Use

While Camtasia’s basic features are relatively easy to learn, editing content can be challenging. Remember, that Camtasia does have a cost.

For assistance, refer to OIT’s Online Instructor Toolkit or submit an online request for a consultation.