OIT News
Test Drive UT Verse, UT’s ChatGPT and AI Sandbox

This time last fall, the Office of Innovative Technologies (OIT) debuted its first generative artificial intelligence (AI) resource, UT Verse. Since the launch, we have continued to make improvements and incorporate your suggestions. This application provides students, instructors, and employees with a safe playground for AI conversations about topics geared toward our internal audiences, university business, and research. UT Verse provides easy access to ChatGPT virtual assistance, where UT data is protected and not shared with the public AI model.
If you are wondering how to get started
Log in to UT Verse and give it a prompt. Prompting is when you create your first message for the UT Verse Chat AI. The more information you provide, the better the chance it will give you the answer you want. There is a saying within the AI community: Garbage in, garbage out.
In order to get the best results
You will need to create detailed prompts. For example, you can start with the situation and continue with what you need. The order doesn’t explicitly matter but will impact the desired result.
Here is an example how a useful prompt could be created:
“I have been studying Japanese at UT and am at an intermediate level. I have been struggling with [insert issue here]. I would like you to create a complete lesson that would teach me how to [insert desired result here]. It must contain a deep-dive explanation about [insert topic here] and also have a portion of a real-life example on using it with a dialogue between people.
I would like you to also create a 5-question quiz at the end with fill in the blanks. I would also like you to create a table that includes intermediate words (10 words, mixed vocabulary) with the columns for the kanji, kana and description. Please format this stylishly so that it uses headers, bold text, paragraphs and other styling options to help with reading. You may make it as long as you need to, don’t make it short.”
Learn more about AI Services and UT Verse and at the OIT Artificial Intelligence Services website.
Log in and Start Using UT Verse ToolsAfter signing in, check out the Guide to get more ideas on how to interact with the UT Verse ChatBot. OIT is ready to assist or help as we empower all members of our campus to make the most of these innovative tools.