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OIT News

Use Multiple Due Dates as Checkpoints in Canvas Discussions 

Students talking in class, Canvas logo overlayed on image

Discussion Checkpoints Feature Update

In mid-January, Instructure will release an update to the Discussions tool in Canvas that will allow instructors to set up checkpoints for student participation with multiple due dates. 

When creating a graded discussion, instructors can set multiple due dates to accommodate different stages of the discussion process, such as the initial post and follow-up replies. These checkpoints introduce the ability to assign two distinct due dates and point values within a single discussion. This enhancement allows for more structured participation and simplified grading while providing greater clarity to students about their progress and expectations. 

Discussion Checkpoints is a feature that many instructors have been requesting. It aims to improve the quality of student participation and make grading easier and more accurate for instructors. 

Take a sneak peek for a walkthrough of Discussion Checkpoints

Discussion Checkpoints FAQ document