OIT News
StataNow: Updates and Innovations for Enhanced Data Analysis

Introducing StataNow, a new continuous-release version of Stata that offers an advanced platform for data analysis, providing users with cutting-edge tools and functionalities as soon as they are ready. In the past, new features were typically introduced only with major releases like Stata 17 or Stata 18. However, with StataNow, you no longer have to wait for the next major release to benefit from these advancements.
Recent enhancements to StataNow include:
- High-dimensional Fixed Effects (HDFE): Dive deeper into your data with enhanced control for multiple variables.
- Meta-analysis for Correlations: Aggregate and analyze correlation data with greater precision.
- Bayesian Quantile Regression: Explore the probabilities of your data with Bayesian methods.
- Robust SEs for VAR Models: Strengthen your Vector Autoregression models with robust standard errors.
- Do-file Editor Enhancements: Experience a smoother coding journey with the improved editor.
- PyStata Enhancements: Integrate Python seamlessly with Stata for a more versatile analysis.
All features in StataNow are fully tested, fully certified, well documented, version controlled (if needed), and polished for high quality. These features are prioritized in the development cycle to be available as soon as they are ready so that users can take advantage of them immediately. You can view a list of all additions to Stata and StataNow since the release of Stata 18 here.
Getting the latest features is easy. Just type ‘update all’ in the Stata Command window. For Stata 18 users, a double ‘update all’ might be necessary. The first update equips Stata with self-updating capabilities, and the second brings you StataNow. After updating, discover all new features with ‘help whatsnew.’
Additional Resources
For comprehensive documentation on updates and corrections, visit StataNow.
Faculty, staff, and students at UTK, UTC, and UTHSC can access Stata/SE on university-owned or personal devices across Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. Download and installation details are available on the OIT Software Download page.
Need assistance with Stata/SE? Research Computing Support consultants are here to help. Reach out by calling the OIT HelpDesk at 865-974-9900 or submitting a request online.