OIT News
Getting Ready for Finals: Online Testing Options

Are you planning on hosting your final exam online? It’s not too early to begin planning your testing strategy. Regardless of your delivery method, be sure to give students the opportunity to practice before the exam.
Here are some ideas to consider and options available to you:
Assessment Resources
- Self-enroll in our Best Practices for Online Assessment training course to learn about the design and delivery of effective online assessments in Canvas.
- Our Online@UT (Canvas) resource guide provides information on alternative assessment options such as journal, peer review, or video-based assignments, discussions, and tools to help you facilitate group work.
Akindi allows instructors to deliver quality and reliable online assessments. Instructors can create a multiple-choice exam, define a scoring key, and distribute a score sheet, which includes the question text for students to fill out online. Akindi does sync with the Canvas Gradebook.
Proctorio with Canvas
Additional layers of protection are provided by the Proctorio remote proctoring service. Proctorio utilizes machine learning and facial detection technology to remotely proctor online assessments to help protect the academic integrity of test-takers.