OIT News
macOS Sonoma: Wait Before You Update

Interim Fix Available for SPSS and macOS 14.0 (Sonoma)
UPDATE: On September 26th Apple released macOS 14.0 (Sonoma). If you choose to update to Sonoma, you may have difficulty opening IBM SPSS Statistics due to a compatibility issue. IBM SPSS recently released an interim fix that addresses this issue which requires you to replace a file within the package contents. OIT is available to assist with applying the fix. Additional information, along with the link to the fix, can be found on the macOS 14.0 IBM Support status page.
If you prefer to wait for the new release, you have the option of using SPSS on Apps@UT. Although IBM typically updates SPSS each December, no timeline has been provided by IBM for the release of the latest version SPSS, which should be fully compatible with Sonoma.
You should not upgrade until you have verified that all your required applications and peripherals will work with this new operating system. Experience with Apple OS upgrades shows that Apple typically releases its first three patches within a few months of the upgrade release. Most bugs have been discovered and fixedby the third patch, minimizing the risk of upgrading your operating system.
IBM SPSS and Sonoma
If you are using IBM SPSS, please note that IBM is not supporting SPSS with macOS Sonoma (yet), and SPSS will not run successfully for Mac users who choose to update their operating system to Sonoma. IBM has a dedicated webpage to provide information about their macOS Sonoma support. If you have already upgraded to Sonoma, OIT suggests using SPSS on Apps@UT.We will provide an update once IBM releases additional information about SPSS compatibility with Sonoma.
Additional Resources
Contact OIT if you need help running SPSS on Apps@UT, installing research software, or would like to schedule a one-on-one consultation for statistical consulting.
Visit the OIT Knowledge Base for information about Apps@UT.