OIT News
Engaging Students in Canvas Using Course Analytics

This article provides a short guide on how instructors can engage their students while using Canvas for teaching and learning. We focus specifically on Canvas Course Analytics as one of the vital student engagement drivers.
Student engagement takes on different interpretations. This article adopts Bond, Buntins, Bedenlier, Zawacki-Richter & Kerres (2020, p.3) definition and views student engagement as the energy and effort students bring to their learning within Canvas. The energy and effort students put into their learning is observable through several behavioral, cognitive, or affective indicators across a continuum. Student engagement is shaped by a complex interplay of the learning environment, activities, assessments, peer collaborations, and overall course design.
As departments consider offering more asynchronous courses and remote learning becomes more popular, it’s essential to encourage students to engage within Canvas beyond just checking grades and submitting assignments. Doing so will help them understand course material better, improve their attitude toward online education, and increase their confidence in learning on the platform.
As the instructor, you can use course analytics to get an overview of student performance and areas in which you can intervene with additional material. New Analytics allows you to track student activity, improve their understanding of concepts taught, provide support, and optimize the learning environment.
Get Started by Watching this Video
Watch this short video to learn how to use New Analytics.
NOTE: New Analytics is not to be used to measure students’ attendance.
To maintain transparency, we suggest communicating with your students about how you use Canvas Analytics. You can achieve this by including a brief statement in your course syllabus, home page, and announcements.
Additional Resources
Please get in touch with the OIT Teaching and Learning Technologies group with any questions or requests for assistance on using Canvas analytics to engage your students.
Reference Bond, M., Buntins, K., Bedenlier, S., Zawacki-Richter, O., & Kerres, M. (2020). Mapping research in student engagement and educational technology in higher education: A systematic evidence map. International journal of educational technology in higher education, 17(1), 1-30.