OIT News
Downloading Rubric Scores in Canvas

If you use rubrics in your Canvas course sites, there’s a new feature available: the ability to bulk download rubric scores for an assignment. If you’d like to compare student scores on a particular rubric criterion, this is a great way to do that.
To download the rubric scores, find a particular assignment in the gradebook and select the three vertical dots next to its name. In the dropdown list that appears, select Bulk Download Rubrics. You’ll be given the option to download rubrics for All Students, Has Assessment, or Not Assessed.
- Has Assessment indicates completed rubric assessments
- Not Assessed indicates incomplete rubric assessments
Select Download after making your choice. A CSV file will be generated showing the criterion from the rubric and students’ scores for each.
Find more information about downloading rubric assessments, including screenshots, in the Instructor Community Instructor Guide.