OIT News
Are You Getting Multiple Invitations to the Same Meeting? It’s Not a Mistake

When you get invited to a meeting, are you getting an invitation in Outlook that looks like two invitations stacked on top of each other as well as an invitation in Teams for the same meeting? This Microsoft feature ties Teams and Outlook together so you can receive and respond to calendar invitations from either Outlook or Teams.
In Outlook, the invitation appears split. The top section shows a snippet of your calendar as well as the Accept, Decline, and Follow options. The Follow option lets the meeting organizer know you can’t attend but do want to continue to receive information about the meeting. The bottom section allows you to also Accept, Decline, or Follow the meeting and add a message to the meeting organizer.
In Teams, under the RSVP menu, you’ll receive an invitation with Accept, Tentative, and Decline options. You can also add a message to the meeting organizer from this window.
You can respond to the meeting invitation from either Teams or Outlook, and it will add the meeting to your calendar.
For more detailed instructions, see this OIT Knowledge Base article.