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Email, Calendars, & Instant Messaging


Welcome to the OIT LISTSERV information page. Here, you can find all of the information you need to start and administer a listserv. Below, you can find information on the following:

LISTSERV® is a system that makes it possible to create, manage and control electronic “mailing lists” on the UTK network or on the Internet. At UTK, the software used for managing lists is from L-Soft, International, Inc.
Access to OIT’s LISTSERV site (Subscription, Archives, Management, and Ownership)

There is no additional cost to the department for the setup and use of this service.

Is a LISTSERV right for me?

If you are simply looking for a simple bulk e-mail solution, you may not need the extra functionality (archives, subscription, etc) that LISTSERV provides. If you need a small, internal group communication list, you can request an Active Directory (AD) group.  An AD group will allow you to send to a group of UT users using a single address. To request an Active Directory group, call the OIT HelpDesk at 865-974-9900.

Requesting a LISTSERV

To request the creation of a LISTSERV, you will need to submit a LISTSERV Request.

Accessing Your List

Subscriber Management

List Configuration


If you are unsure of a command or function while using the LISTSERV interface, please call the OIT HelpDesk at 865-974-9900 for assistance.

If you need a reference, many setting items have a help symbol located next to the function’s name. Clicking on this icon will automatically bring up that section of the LISTSERV manual along with an explanation of all the different options you can use with the selected setting.
Access the full set of LISTSERV manuals