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Microsoft 365

What is Microsoft 365 for Education?

Microsoft 365 for Education provides staff, faculty, and students with email, online document editing and storage, and access to the Office Web Apps, as well as Office 365 ProPlus, which includes Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac at no additional cost.

Your Microsoft 365 account also allows you to use other Microsoft features and tools, such as Bookings, Forms, OneNote, Sway, and Planner.

Learn more about support for Microsoft 365 apps

Learn how to use the Microsoft Apps

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Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a chat-based workspace available as part of your Microsoft 365 account. A Team is a collection of people, conversations, files, and tools that are easily accessible in one place from all of your devices.  Download the Teams app to your phone and desktop for instant messaging, calling, video meetings, calendar access, and file sharing in real-time.

  • Create new Teams or add Teams to your existing Microsoft 365 groups.
  • To use Teams, install the app on your computer or mobile device or access it via the web.
  • Standard quota for a Microsoft Team – 25 TB

Watch the video about Microsoft Teams

Learn how Microsoft Teams helps teams stay in contact

Hold a Meeting in Teams:

Email, Calendar, and Contacts

Access Microsoft 365 email from your mobile device, desktop client, or web browser.

  • Dedicated email quota based on affiliation (details)
  • Exchange-based email, calendar, and contacts
  • Better integration with Outlook
  • Calendar sharing among faculty, staff, and students

Go to your Microsoft 365 email
Learn more about Microsoft 365 email through UT

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OneDrive for Business

OneDrive for Business on your Mac, PC, Android, iOS, or Windows mobile device gives you a single place for up-to-date versions of your files from anywhere.

  • Your OneDrive quota varies based on affiliation. Check your OneDrive storage and quota.
  • Share individual files or whole folders. Create and reply to comments on files to get feedback or add ideas.
  • Recycle Bin: Available for 90 days
  • Data is encrypted at rest, on the server, and in transit
  • Certified for HIPAA/PHI, FERPA, and PII data
  • Collaborate with groups

Go to your OneDrive for Business
Go to the OneDrive for Business Usage Policy

MS Word logo

Microsoft Apps

For the Web

Microsoft Web Apps are touch-friendly web applications that let you create, edit, and share your Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote files from any browser. Project and Visio are now available online, too.

Additional information about Microsoft Web Apps

For Your Computer

Faculty, staff, and students can download and install Microsoft Office ProPlus desktop applications at no additional cost. Once you have left the University, the Microsoft Office ProPlus subscription will end and you will need to purchase a personal subscription.

Additional information about Office 365 ProPlus

For Your Mobile Device

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote are available for your iOS, Android, or Windows mobile device.