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How to Report a Cybercrime

There is no Security without "U", hands typing on a laptop

We all know that we should report any cyber incidents to the OIT Helpdesk and eventually OIT Security. This is the most important thing you can do following a cyber incident with university devices and data. What if, however, it’s your data and your devices? 

Thankfully it is National Cyber Security Awareness Month and the professionals at CISA, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, have created a document that can break down where you can report cybercrime incidents or get more information.


You can report various forms of cybercrime to the following agencies:

Hacked Account

Report your hacked account to the respective platform’s support team. Find direct links to popular platforms at the National Cybersecurity Alliance Website.

And this list goes on!!!

Check out the detailed list of Cybercrime types and their corresponding reporting instructions on the OIT Information Security Learning Library. As always, for questions or help please call the OIT HelpDesk at (865) 974 – 9900.