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OIT News

What’s New in SPSS 29

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SPSS Statistics 29 introduces new statistical tests, new procedures, and functional enhancements that will improve everyday usability.

  • Linear OLS alternatives include Elastic Net, Lasso, and Ridge Regression.
  • Pseudo-R2 measures added to Linear Mixed Models and Generalized Linear Mixed Models
  • Parametric Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) Models
  • Unselected cases are no longer hidden in the Data Editor when a subset of cases is selected
  • Python 3.10.4 and R 4.2.0 are installed with IBM® SPSS® Statistics 29
  • Violin plots (a hybrid of box and kernel density plots) are now available

Note: If you currently have SPSS 28 installed, installing SPSS 29 will overwrite the previous installation. To retain versions 28 and 29, you will need to rename the SPSS Statistics folder before installation.

Additional Resources

Get the complete list of new features along with detailed descriptions on the IBM Data Science Community website.

For more system information requirements, refer to the SPSS installation instructions on the OIT Software Download Website. For help installing or using SPSS contact the OIT HelpDesk online or by phone at 865-974-9900.