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Report Suspicious Emails to OIT

Report Phishing to OIT

Cybercriminals know the best strategies for gaining access to the university’s sensitive data. There are several tricks to spotting a phishing scam. You can check the sender and links, look for a sense of urgency, requests to send or spend money, and pay attention to bad grammar, to name a few. Visit OIT’s website for more information about how to spot a phishing scam and what to do when you receive one. 

Follow a couple of steps to see if an email you received is a scam and report it to us.

  1. If you receive a suspicious email, check the Recent Email Scams website to see if it’s been reported.
  2. You may report a suspicious email through your email client
  3. If you have questions about a specific email, please contact the OIT HelpDesk.

The reporting of suspicious email itself is an exponential protection. Once you report a phishing scam and the headers to the abuse account, the OIT email admins will eradicate the offending email from our entire email tenant, using your diligence to protect others. Remember, if you see something, say something

As always, if you are not sure if an email is a scam, don’t hesitate to reach out to the OIT HelpDesk at 865-974-9900.