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Information Security

Passwords, Passwords Everywhere!

Did you know that the average person uses the same three to seven passwords to log in to over 170 online accounts? In addition to being reused, these passwords are often weak and easily guessed by cybercriminals. If cybercriminals successfully guess these weak passwords, they can access most of their victim’s online accounts. Even worse, the victim may not know that their password has been compromised for several months or years. 

Follow these tips to slow the criminals down, if not stop them in their tracks!

Create Strong Passwords – Your passwords should be as long, complex, and random as possible. While many websites only require passwords to be eight characters long, we recommend making your password at least 12 characters long. You should also include a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols in your password. To keep your accounts extra safe, you can use password phrases or passphrases. However, when you create your password or passphrase, make sure not to use any personal information that a cybercriminal could easily guess.

Don’t Reuse Passwords – Right? It’s convenient. If you reuse passwords, you could be at risk of having multiple accounts compromised at once. If a cybercriminal guesses your password, they could access multiple accounts instead of just one account. Creating a unique password for each online account reduces the risk if one of your passwords is compromised.

Use Two-Factor Authentication – 2FA requires multiple forms of authentication, such as a password and a code from your smartphone or a token. By requiring you to use multiple forms of authentication, cybercriminals will have a harder time gaining access to your account, even if your password is compromised.

Nobody wants cybercriminals to guess their passwords. To keep your passwords clean and your accounts safe, create strong passwords, avoid reusing passwords, and use 2FA (always), when it’s offered.