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Information Security

Important Reminder: Beware of SMS Scams

This week, we are writing to remind you of an ongoing issue that has been affecting some of our university community members.

There have been reports of students receiving SMS messages from individuals pretending to be professors at our university. These messages typically offer paid positions and request personal information such as resumes, age, and gender. In some cases, the conversation may even lead to requests for the student to purchase goods with their own money, with the promise of reimbursement at a later date.

Please remember, this is a scam.

We understand that these messages can seem convincing, but we urge you not to send any personal information to these individuals. If you receive such a message, please do the following:

  1. Do not respond to the message or provide any personal information.
  2. Contact the Office of Innovative Technology’s (OIT) HelpDesk before interacting in any way to verify the legitimacy of these messages.
  3. Reach out to the professor directly via an email address you obtain from Outlook for verification.

We have sent out notifications about these types of scams in the past, but as these incidents continue, we believe a refresher is warranted.

Remember, your safety is our top priority. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Stay safe and vigilant!