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Information Security

Safeguarding Against QR Code Fishing

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, one emerging tactic is the use of QR codes in phishing emails. This deceptive technique poses a significant risk to both end users and IT professionals.


QR code phishing involves embedding malicious URLs or content within a seemingly innocuous QR code. These codes can be found in emails, on printed materials, or even displayed on websites. When scanned, they redirect users to fraudulent websites or initiate malicious downloads, putting sensitive information at risk.


  1. Exercise Caution: Always scrutinize QR codes before scanning. Verify the source and ensure it’s from a trusted sender or official communication.
  2. Use Trusted Scanning Apps: Install reputable QR code scanning apps from trusted sources. These apps often have built-in security features to detect and warn about potentially harmful codes.
  3. Inspect URLs: Before clicking, manually check the URL displayed after scanning. Look for any irregularities or suspicious domain names.
  4. Avoid Personal Information Input: Never input sensitive information after scanning a QR code, especially if the source is not verified.
  5. Report Suspicious Codes: If you receive an email with a suspicious QR code, report it to the OIT Help Desk immediately.


  1. Implement Email Filtering and Scanning: Utilize advanced email filtering solutions that can detect and flag emails containing QR codes. Email filtering helps prevent phishing emails from reaching end users.
  2. Security Awareness Training: Conduct regular training sessions to educate end users about the risks associated with QR code phishing and how to identify suspicious emails.
  3. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enforce MFA for accessing sensitive systems and applications. MFAs add another layer of security, even if a user inadvertently falls victim to a phishing attack.
  4. Continuous Monitoring and Threat Intelligence: Stay updated on emerging threats and tactics, including QR code phishing. Monitor for suspicious activity and leverage threat intelligence feeds to bolster defenses.
  5. Incident Response Plan: Have a well-defined incident response plan in place to mitigate the impact of a successful phishing attack quickly. Plans should include steps for communication, investigation, and remediation.


QR code phishing represents a growing threat in the realm of cybersecurity, particularly within the higher education sector. By implementing proactive measures and educating end users, we can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to this deceptive tactic. Remember, vigilance and a layered approach to security are key in safeguarding sensitive information.