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Information Security

Why Reporting Phishing Emails Benefits UT 

Reporting phishing emails seems like a small thing, but it can have a large impact on security and UT. Reporting phishing emails is crucial for UT to maintain a strong security posture.

In our most recent phishing test, about thirty-five percent of the people in the test simply deleted the email. Around thirteen percent forwarded the email to abuse. Unfortunately, only twelve percent reported the email with the new report button in Outlook

Key Benefits: 

  1. Early Threat Detection: Reporting phishing emails helps in identifying potential threats early, allowing the security team to take swift action and prevent further damage. 
  1. Enhanced Incident Response: Timely reporting of phishing emails enables the security team to respond quickly, quarantine malicious messages, and prevent them from spreading. 
  1. Data Protection: By reporting phishing emails, UT can protect sensitive data from being compromised. This helps in safeguarding both personal and corporate information. 
  1. Feedback and Education: Reported phishing attempts provide valuable insights that can be used to improve security measures and create customized feedback for employees. 
  1. Compliance and Risk Management: Regular reporting and monitoring of phishing emails help UT stay compliant with industry regulations and manage risks more effectively. 

Reporting any phishing emails benefits UT and makes everyone safer. Your reporting of phishing can protect your coworkers, students, and others in UT. For more information, please visit the OIT Knowledge Base and search for Reporting Suspicious Messages and Best Practices.