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Instructional Support

Faculty First 2019 Participants

Interactive Teaching Cases for Veterinary Students Focused on Large Animal Emergency Problem Solving

Meggan T. Graves, Ph.D.
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences

The purpose of this project is to further develop case-based tutorials with interactive decision-making which will allow for the recording and reporting of gathered data.

Read Graves final report (PDF)

Redesigning a Foundational Course for Nursing Students in the Accelerated BSN Program

Maria Hurt, Ph.D.
College of Nursing

The purpose of this project is to redesign Nursing Pharmacotherapeutics (N351, N406) course structure, condensing content from two semesters to one, and include online tools in order to facilitate best practices in the classroom.

Read Hurt final report (PDF)

Redesigning GEOL 101 – The Dynamic Earth Online Course: Developing Interactive Course Materials with Laboratory Components

Md. Iftekhar Alam, Ph.D.
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

The purpose of this project is to redesign GEOL 101 with a major emphasis on creating new instructional videos for course lectures and lab integrating Arc with Canvas to create an immersive learning environment.

Graduate School and Career Options with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology

Katherine Rowinski, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology

The purpose of this project is to create a multi-faceted website to disseminate information about graduate school and career options for bachelor-level students who are majoring in psychology.

Read Rowinski final report (PDF)

Redesigning Online Lectures for Large-Scale Courses: Prioritizing Student Engagement and Accessible Course Materials

Victoria Swanson, Ph.D.
Department of English

The purpose of this project is to redesign online lectures for English 295 Writing in the Workplace and also use for English 255 (Public Writing) applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework.